JRP Publication
Construction Journal - JRP 45th Anniversary
Construction Journal
A. To, Carbon Neutral - A Dream or Reality - HKIE, Electrical Division, The 29th Annual Symposium Paper No. 8, 8.1 - 8.8
H.K. Yung, Tony Lau, Tony Leung, Contemporary Design of Electrical and Vertical Transportation Systems for Super High-rise Buildings in Mainland China and Hong Kong - HKIE, Electrical Division, The 27th Annual Symposium, Paper No. 5, 5.1-5.8
H. K Yung, Albert To, Tony Lau, Electrical Services and Vertical Transportation Design for International Commerce Centre - HKIE, Electrical Division, The 26th Annual Symposium, Paper No. 3, 3.1-3.7
V. Leung & J. Leung , Adaptability of Built Environment for Flexible Management - CUHK, Joint Symposium 2006, Efficient Built Environment for Tomorrow
H.K. Yung, Patrick Lee & Candy Ng Evacuation - HKISC, proceedings of the Advances in Fire Testing and Codifications 2006, 132-143
J. Leung, A. To & P.K. Yip, Corporate Data Centre - Strategic Thinking behind the E&M Services Design Infrastructure, HKIE, Electrical Division, The 24th Annual Symposium Paper No.8, 8.1 – 8.10
J. Leung & A. To, Two IFC - 6th International Conference on Tall Buildings, From Engineering to Sustainability, 951-959
J. Leung, A. To & V. Leung, Two IFC, Building Service - Private Sector, CIBSE HK Branch 25th Anniversary Booklet, 76-92
The SARS Busters, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Air Distribution Design in a SARS Ward with Multiple Beds, Symposium on Legionnaires Disease and other Respiratory Infections and their Prevention, 50-68
J. Leung, A To, & P.K. Yip, Electrical Services Design in the New - Two International Finance Centre, HKIE Electrical Division, The 21st Annual Symposium, Paper No.3, 3.1-3.5