The proposed development will be built on a site area of 6,232 sqm and the total GFA is 15,581 sqm. It would included Food factory facilities for production of moon cakes and egg rolls; Visitor corridors for visitors; Storage; Associated support facilities including toilets etc.; and Parking facilities. Best suit MX’s long-term development needs. The E&M design shall be capable to suit the requirement of fully automated, enabling enhancements to be effected in both product quality and production efficiency. A new world class, trouble-free, GMP (HACCP implementable) Food Factory: Food quality and safety, business growth, energy efficiency, environmental friendless, sustainability, safety and healthiness. Good Lift cycle cost through an efficiency managed, monitored and maintained environment. Efficiency in operation, management and maintenance of the factory. Further expandable for future growth with no impact on manufacturing, suitable allowance on E&M interface and spare switches/valves etc. shall be built / reserved at Day 1 to cater for future expansion in Day 2, without major interruption to operation.